My Mother, you who always remain with open arms, imploring your Divine Son for mercy and compassion for the poor and the needy, ask Him to give me His holy love, His holy fear, and His holy grace, and grant that I may never commit a mortal sin. Grant me the grace, O my Mother, to have for my good Jesus the love and trust that the saintly should have, and that my faith, hope, and love may grow, and I ask you, my Mother to teach me to accomplish His divine will at all times.
Holy Virgin, bless my family and deliver it from all evil. Help all dying sinners and ask your Divine Son to forgive them and free them from the torments of hell. Intercede for us, my Mother, before your Divine Son so that the world may be saved. Pray, Mother of mine, for our beloved country, and free it from evils which threatens it.
Finally, I ask you to pour forth on our souls the shining rays of mercy of the good Lord Jesus, and be close to me in all the dangers I shall encounter in life. Amen.