Novena in Honor of our Lady of Miraculous Medal


Opening prayer for each day

"O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."
Virgin most pure, conceived without sin, all fair and stainless in thy Conception; glorious Mary, full of grace, Mother of my God, Queen of Angels and of men - I humbly venerate thee as the mother of my Savior, who though He was God, taught me by His own veneration, reverence and obedience to thee, the honor and homage that are due thee. Vouchsafe, I pray thee to accept this Novena which I dedicate to thee. Thou art the safe refuge of the penitent sinner; it is very fitting, then, that I should have recourse to thee. Thou art the Mother of Compassion; then wilt thou surely be moved with pity for my many miseries. Thou art my best hope after Jesus; thou canst not but accept the loving confidence that I have in thee. Make me worthy to be called thy child, so that I may dare to cry unto thee: "Show thyself a Mother."

Special prayer for this day

O spotless mother, who showest thyself upon thy Medal with thy arms outstretched in loving greeting to embrace me. I come to thee to beg thy help. By that torrent of mother's love which well up from thy stainless heart, by that smile of maternal tenderness which ever plays about thy lips, present this, my petition to Him who can refuse me nothing if only I asked through thee. Let it not be said that thy open arms were closed to me who fly to thee, my last refuge and hope, to find my answer at thy sacred hands. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

(Here form your intention and ask the special favor you desire to obtain.)


O Mother of love, most pure Mary, by the manifestation of thy holy Medal inflame our hearts in the Divine love, so that insensible to earthly things, we may only sign for eternal and heavenly ones.

Hail Mary,..

O refuge of sinners, most powerful Mary, by the manifestation of thy holy Medal have pity on our faults and miseries and obtain for us the grace to die rather than sin.

Hail Mary,..

O gate of heaven, most sweet Mary, by the manifestation of thy holy Medal, grant us the grace of perseverance, of a holy death and the enjoyment of thy presence in Heaven.

Hail Mary...

Concluding prayers for each day

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that any one who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession, was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins my Mother; to thee I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful; O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions; but in thy clemency hear and answer me. Amen.

V. In thy Conception, O Virgin, thou wert Immaculate.

R. Pray for us to the Father, whose Son was born of thee.

Let us Pray

O Lord Jesus Christ, who hast willed to honor the most Blessed Virgin Mary, thy ever Immaculate Mother, by innumerable miracles, grant that we, who always implore her patronage, may obtain eternal joys. Who livest and reignest forever and ever. Amen.


Special prayer for this day

O Purest Virgin and Spotless Mother, upon thy Medal thy radiant hands pour down upon the world a continual torrent of graces and blessings. Behold me at thy feet, begging but a single glance of thy love. My petition I bring to thee, knowing that unworthy as I am, thou wilt not refuse to listen to thy child's prayer. Only smile on my request. O Miraculous Virgin and God will surely give it thee for me, and thus another ray will fall from thy most gracious hands  upon a world darkened by sin. O Inviolate Mother of my Creator and my God, let not my cry go up to thee in vain. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.


Special prayer for this day

O Miraculous Virgin and my Stainless Mother, on thy Medal thou dost stand upon the world in regal glory as Queen and Ruler of all men. Through thy hand and thine alone, God bestows His blessings. Thou art the dispenser of Heaven's graces O Royal Lady, Treasurer of God, see me at thy feet, beseeching thee to obtain the help I ask. Shall a mother be indifferent to the crying of her child? Shall she who is enthroned above the world as Divine Almoner be deaf to the pleas of the needy? O my Queen, my Lady and my Mother, hear and answer me. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.


Special prayer for this day

O my Inviolate Mother, on thy Medal thou art depicted crushing beneath thy virginal heel the head of the wily serpent. Powerful Aid of all who battle for God, lead me on to a glorious victory over my three great enemies - the world with its tinseled fame, the flesh with its shameless lust, and the infernal hosts who constantly try to drag me to the bottomless pits of hell. By that act of Divine Mercy by which thy crystal soul was ever preserved from even the faintest breath of sin, keep me for thy own forever more, and is a mark of thy special love, listen to my prayer today and answer my petition. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.


Special prayer for this day

"O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee." With these words thou dost surround thy Medal, O Miraculous Virgin. Thou hast placed them there to teach me how to address thee when I come with my hands extended, begging thy help. Mary, my Mother, whose heart was never crossed with the shadow of sin, behold me kneeling suppliant before thee. If thou wilt not look upon my suffering, nor add thy saving voice to my crying before thee, throne of God, then I am miserable indeed. To thee do I come, O Mary, and I know that thou wilt not abandon me. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.


Special prayer for this day

O Miraculous Mother, thou hast impressed and crowned thy Medal with twelve bright stars to show that thou art Queen of Apostles, and through them, of all the Heavenly Host. In thy virtues and thy merits, thou dost surpass all the saints; in thy heart and soul thou dost keep the flame of divine love burning more ardently than the most devoted seraph. From thy vast treasury of virtues and of merits, make up what is wanting in my petition. By thy all embracing charity, turn thy ear to my request, that loving thee and serving thee here below, I may deserve to shine as one of thy stars for all eternity. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.


Special prayer for this day

O gentlest Lady and my Loving Mother, on thy Medal thou hast placed thy holy heart, pierced with the sword of sorrow, and near it the Sacred Heart of thy Son crowned with the thorns of grief. Thou hast drunk deep from the chalice of misery, and knowest well that the arrows of life at times fall thick and fast, cut deep, and sting to the very quick. At thy feet, most chaste Virgin, I lay my heart, bruised and bleeding, and weary of the strife. Though poor and miserable, thou wilt find it filled with love of thee. Take it in thy spotless hands and instill in it new courage by obtaining my request. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.


Special prayer for this day

Look upon the Medal thou hast given me, O Lady Immaculate and my Queen. Thou hast stamped thereon the cross of Christ, thy Son. Though marked with the stars of glory, thy holy emblem bears as well the cross of agony and death. It is as much as if thou didst tell me that I cannot come to God unless I prove my valor in the fight. By that sacred wood, bedewed with the blood of Jesus, turn thy ear to my cry. By the terrible torture thou didst endure on Calvary’s top, help me in my hour of need. By the agony and shame of the first Good Friday, hear me. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.


Special prayer for this day

O Miraculous Mother, to mark thy Medal as thy very own, thou hast sealed it with the letter M. Behold me kneeling at thy feet, thy Medal as my as my shield over my heart. Through the power given by thy Holy name, all the strength of hell can never overcome me, for I belong to thee. A servant of the Handmaid of the Lord is all the title I could wish. Place the strong arm of thy protection about my shoulders. Let thy finger point out the path my feet shall tread. Above all, pray, O pray for me, my Mother, now and till the hour of my death. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

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