Novena in Honor of Our Lady of Miraculous Medal (THIRD DAY)

(Opening prayer) 

Special prayer for this day

O Miraculous Virgin and my Stainless Mother, on thy Medal thou dost stand upon the world in regal glory as Queen and Ruler of all men. Through thy hand and thine alone, God bestows His blessings. Thou art the dispenser of Heaven's graces O Royal Lady, Treasurer of God, see me at thy feet, beseeching thee to obtain the help I ask. Shall a mother be indifferent to the crying of her child? Shall she who is enthroned above the world as Divine Almoner be deaf to the pleas of the needy? O my Queen, my Lady and my Mother, hear and answer me. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

(Invocations and Concluding prayers)

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