Novena in Honor of Our Lady of Miraculous Medal (SEVENTH DAY)

(Opening prayer) 

Special prayer for this day

O gentlest Lady and my Loving Mother, on thy Medal thou hast placed thy holy heart, pierced with the sword of sorrow, and near it the Sacred Heart of thy Son crowned with the thorns of grief. Thou hast drunk deep from the chalice of misery, and knowest well that the arrows of life at times fall thick and fast, cut deep, and sting to the very quick. At thy feet, most chaste Virgin, I lay my heart, bruised and bleeding, and weary of the strife. Though poor and miserable, thou wilt find it filled with love of thee. Take it in thy spotless hands and instill in it new courage by obtaining my request. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

(Invocations and Concluding prayers)

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