Novena in Honor of Our Lady of Miraculous Medal (FIRST DAY)

Opening prayer for each day

"O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."
Virgin most pure, conceived without sin, all fair and stainless in thy Conception; glorious Mary, full of grace, Mother of my God, Queen of Angels and of men - I humbly venerate thee as the mother of my Savior, who though He was God, taught me by His own veneration, reverence and obedience to thee, the honor and homage that are due thee. Vouchsafe, I pray thee to accept this Novena which I dedicate to thee. Thou art the safe refuge of the penitent sinner; it is very fitting, then, that I should have recourse to thee. Thou art the Mother of Compassion; then wilt thou surely be moved with pity for my many miseries. Thou art my best hope after Jesus; thou canst not but accept the loving confidence that I have in thee. Make me worthy to be called thy child, so that I may dare to cry unto thee: "Show thyself a Mother."

Special prayer for this day

O spotless mother, who showest thyself upon thy Medal with thy arms outstretched in loving greeting to embrace me. I come to thee to beg thy help. By that torrent of mother's love which well up from thy stainless heart, by that smile of maternal tenderness which ever plays about thy lips, present this, my petition to Him who can refuse me nothing if only I asked through thee. Let it not be said that thy open arms were closed to me who fly to thee, my last refuge and hope, to find my answer at thy sacred hands. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

(Here form your intention and ask the special favor you desire to obtain.)


O Mother of love, most pure Mary, by the manifestation of thy holy Medal inflame our hearts in the Divine love, so that insensible to earthly things, we may only sign for eternal and heavenly ones.

Hail Mary,..

O refuge of sinners, most powerful Mary, by the manifestation of thy holy Medal have pity on our faults and miseries and obtain for us the grace to die rather than sin.

Hail Mary,..

O gate of heaven, most sweet Mary, by the manifestation of thy holy Medal, grant us the grace of perseverance, of a holy death and the enjoyment of thy presence in Heaven.

Hail Mary...

Concluding prayers for each day

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that any one who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession, was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins my Mother; to thee I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful; O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions; but in thy clemency hear and answer me. Amen.

V. In thy Conception, O Virgin, thou wert Immaculate.

R. Pray for us to the Father, whose Son was born of thee.

Let us Pray

O Lord Jesus Christ, who hast willed to honor the most Blessed Virgin Mary, thy ever Immaculate Mother, by innumerable miracles, grant that we, who always implore her patronage, may obtain eternal joys. Who livest and reignest forever and ever. Amen.

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